



Past Program

Nov 11, 2021 Fellow 138

Social and Emotional Learning (SEL)


14:00 - 15:30 CET 


Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) has many benefits – from helping young people build the skills to thrive in the fourth industrial revolution to supporting whole communities as they grapple with complex change and upheaval. However, for a variety of reasons there has yet to be widescale adoption of SEL-oriented education system reform. 

The fifth virtual meeting of the Education Policymakers Network focused on SEL evidence and policy implications from the OECD’s Study on Social and Emotional Skills.

The Education Policymakers Network connects policymakers from different countries to work, learn and innovate together. Launched in 2021, the network helps support and sustain education reform around the need to develop a breadth of skills – cognitive, creative, physical, social and emotional – in young learners.

Each of the virtual network meetings hear from a guest speaker on a specific topic and then look at the evidence of impact and existing policies around a specific reform idea.

An insights report is generated from each meeting that can be shared across the network. The meetings are also being recorded so that they can act as a resource for the members after they took place. 

This virtual network meeting is only open to participants in the Education Policymakers Network.
