


Werner Wintersteiner

Professor Emeritus, Klagenfurt University, Austria

Werner Wintersteiner, Ph.D., is a retired professor from Klagenfurt University, Austria. A Germanist by education, specialized in didactics and teacher training, he is also a peace researcher and peace educator. He was the founding director of the ?Centre for Peace Research and Peace Education? at Klagenfurt University and still serves as member of the team of the Master?s programme Global Citizenship Education (GCED). He is also a board member of the Herbert C. Kelman Institute for Interactive Conflict Transformation, Vienna/Jerusalem. His research fields include peace education and global citizenship education; peace, conflict and memory politics; culture and peace; the Alps-Adriatic region; literature and peace; literature education. He has published or edited more than 60 books, including Edgar Morin: Von Krieg zu Krieg. Von 1940 bis zur Invasion der Ukraine (Turia+Kant 2023) [From War to War. From 1940 until the Invasion of Ukraine], translated and edited together with Wilfried Graf; Die Welt neu denken lernen ? Pl?doyer f?r eine planetare Politik (transcript 2021); [Learning to rethink the world ? a plea for planetary politics.]; Herbert C. Kelman: Resolving deep-rooted conflicts. Essays on the Theory and Practice of Interactive Problem-Solving. Eds. Werner Wintersteiner and Wilfried Graf (2017); Werner Wintersteiner/Lisa Wolf (eds.): Friedensforschung in ?sterreich. Bilanz und Perspektiven (Drava 2016) [Peace Research in Austria ? Balance and Perspectives].

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