


Fredrik Lindencrona

Head of Research Co-Creation, Inner Development Goals, Sweden

Fredrick Lindencrona is the Head of Research Co-Creation at the Inner Development Goals, a dedicated professional with a profound passion for creating opportunities to foster sustainable well-being in the pursuit of sustainable development. With a versatile portfolio of roles, he plays a pivotal part in global cooperation and strategic innovation at both local and international levels, particularly in the context of local authorities and regions in Sweden.

As a respected advocate for sustainable well-being, Fredrick brings a wealth of expertise and commitment to his work. His dedication to the cause has earned him recognition as a thought leader in the field, influencing positive change on both the national and international stage. His work not only encompasses global collaboration but also extends to forging strategic innovations that resonate with local communities, benefiting individuals and societies in Sweden and worldwide.

With his holistic approach to sustainable development and his multifaceted contributions, Fredrick Lindencrona stands as an inspiring figure in the pursuit of a better future for us all.

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