


Gavin White

Executive Officer, Climate Change and Resilience / Director of Planning and Projects, World Urban Parks / Riverlife, USA

Gavin White is director of planning and projects at Riverlife, an organization dedicated to creating, activating, and celebrating Pittsburgh's riverfronts. He comes to Riverlife from the Pittsburgh Parks Conservancy where, as their Community Projects Manager, he combined on-the-ground building experience with a passion for public engagement to develop and implement resident-led plans and projects. At work and at home, Gavin organizes and engages in planning and policy discussions, aiming to make Pittsburgh and the planet healthier, wilder, and more beautiful. As a volunteer, Gavin serves as secretary for his neighborhood development organization, engaging residents and stewarding property in the neighborhood to develop without displacement. Outside of Pittsburgh, he serves as executive officer for World Urban Parks Climate Change and Resilience Committee, a group of leaders from around the globe dedicated to the role urban parks play in addressing Earth's greatest threats. Gavin grew up in Mars, Pennsylvania and graduated with degrees in architecture studies and history from the University of Pittsburgh.

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