Salzburg Global Fellow Updates - June and July 2015




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Jul 20, 2015
by Jan Heinecke
Salzburg Global Fellow Updates - June and July 2015

Monthly compilation of our Fellows' achievements and landmarks

Erion Veliaj, newly elected Mayor of Tirana, speaking at the 2014 June Board Meeting

Starting in 2015, every month we bring you the highlights from the Salzburg Global Fellowship. Have you got some news - a new book, a promotion, a call for grant proposals - that you'd like to share with the Salzburg Global Fellowship? Email Salzburg Global Seminar Fellowship Manager Jan Heinecke.

Ryan Gawn, Head of International Communications at ActionAid International and Fellow of Session 449, the Salzburg Young Leaders Summit: Global Scenarios and Strategies for 2030, examined the recent report on "The Soft Power 30 - A Ranking of Global Power". He provides a compelling summary of the report's findings in his blog post on the Global Dashboard.

Influenced by his participation in Session 403 From Page to Screen: Adapting Literature to Film in 2002, Tabassum “Ruhi” Khan decided to pause his work as a media practitioner with the National Geographic to pursue what he describes as "a new journey in academia". He is now teaching at the Department of Media and Cultural Studies at University of California, Riverside and recently published a new book entitled Beyond Hybridity and Fundamentalism: Emerging Muslim Identity in Globalized India, which explores emergent subjectivities of Indian Muslim youth within contexts restructured by neoliberal economic/financial regimes and redefined by revolutions in communication technologies.

The fate of refugees is a burning issue in many countries' current political discourses. Looking at the situation in North America, Europe and Australia,  Shawna Shapiro, Fellow of Session 537 Students at the Margins and the Institutions That Serve Them, is preparing a book project entitled Educating Refugee-background Students: Critical Issues and Dynamic Contexts. If you are a researcher in the field, chapter proposals can be submitted until October 15!

Najib Sharifi, member of Afghanistan Analysis and Awareness (A3), a Kabul based think tank and Faculty at the 2014 Salzburg Academy on Media and Global Change argues that "by covering terrorist attacks in never-ending news cycles, journalists are playing into the terrorists’ strategy" in his recent article "Terrorists on the Dais: How Terrorists Exploit the Media", published on

Kyle Southern, who proved his research skills and analytical depth at last year's Session 537 Students at the Margins and the Institutions that Serve Them will rejoin the team of the State Collaborative on Reforming Education (SCORE) in Nashville, Tennessee as Director of Policy & Research. He states that "this position will provide an opportunity to work toward improving educational equity and readiness for college and beyond for students statewide, as well as to continue providing a national model bringing together educators, policymakers, researchers, and leaders from the business and philanthropic communities working toward common goals". 

Boyd Tonkin, Fellow of Session 461 Traduttore Traditore? Recognizing and Promoting the Critical Role of Translation in a Global Culture, helped organizing the Independent Foreign Fiction Prize for the past 15 years. This July the prize has effectively merged with the Man Booker International Prize to create one of the world's best-funded and supported annual awards for literature in translation. Boyd is delighted to serve as the Chair of the judges in its first year. Salzburg Global congratulates!

At our 2014 June Board Weekend on Bridging the Rift: How can we reconnect youth to their future? Erion Veliaj gave a lecture in his capacity as the Minister of Youth and Social Welfare in Albania. This June he has been elected Mayor of Tirana, the capital of Albania. All the best for this new challenge!

Duke University's Yvonne Wang utilized the insightful feedback she received while attending this year's Salzburg Cutler Law Fellows Program to finish her comprehensive note on the ASEAN Human Rights System. You can download it for free, the title is Contextualizing Universal Human Rights: An Integrated Human Rights Framework for ASEAN.