


Colin Munro

Consultant, OSCE and International Organization for Migration, Vienna, Austria

Colin Munro is a British international relations consultant who previously served as ambassador to Croatia and the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) and as deputy high representative in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Mr. Munro was a member of the Diplomatic Service of the United Kingdom from 1969 to 2007. His interests include promoting democracy, the rule of law and human rights in former Yugoslavia and the former Soviet Union. A graduate of Edinburgh University in modern languages and King's College London in international studies, his publications include, Britain, Berlin, German Unification and the Fall of the Soviet Empire (German Historical Institute, London) and The OSCE and the European Experience (Korea and East Asia, The Stony Road to Collective Security). Mr. Munro is a Fellow of numerous sessions Salzburg Global Seminar Session 494 Cultural Dialogue in International Security - The Case of Russia and the Euro-Atlantic Community (2012).

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