


Emiliana Rodriguez

Co-Founder and Education Director, AttentaMente, Mexico

Emiliana Rodriguez is co-founder and education director at AtentaMente, a Mexican organization that creates and implements social and emotional learning (SEL) programs for children and adults. Her main field of expertise is the intersection between contemplative science and SEL. She has designed educational programs and curriculums on SEL that have been implemented at a national level through the Ministry of Education in Mexico. She has also developed and implemented programs on SEL in private and public institutions such as the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Universidad Iberoamericana, among others. She is an international speaker, and collaborates as a consultant with the Ministry of Education, the United Nations Development Program, the National Institute of Educational Evaluation in Mexico, Research Schools International, OECD, and others. Currently she is coauthoring two books on SEL for children and one for teachers. She holds a master's degree in mind, brain and education from Harvard University and a bachelor's degree in physics from Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM).

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