


Gabriel Guillen

Associate Professor of Spanish, Middlebury Institute of International Studies, USA

Gabriel Guillen is an Assistant Professor in Spanish at the Middlebury Institute of International Studies (MIIS) in Monterey, California. At MIIS he teaches content-based language courses such as Social Entrepreneurship and Spanish in the Community, connecting his students with English learners in the county of Monterey. His own dissertation at the University of California focused on online intercultural exchanges and the use of language learning social networks in the context of hybrid language education. In the past, he has been a Frontier Market Scout, an AECID Spanish fellow, a study abroad coordinator, a journal editor, a web developer, and a reporter who published more than 300 articles in Spanish. His teaching has been recognized with the 'Excellence in Teaching Year Award' from the UC Davis Department of Spanish and Portuguese. Gabriel also created the first community of blogs dedicated to the interchange of languages and publishes about language learning in the Huffington Post.

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