


Kaytura Aaron

Chief, Clinical Quality Data Branch

Kaytura Felix Aaron is senior adviser for minority health at the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality of the United States Department of Health and Human Services in Rockville, Maryland, where she is responsible for developing, communicating and implementing a minority health services research agenda. Dr. Felix Aaron's research interests include improving the quality of health services and reducing health disparities for racial and ethnic minorities and low-income populations. Currently, she is leading efforts to increase federal support for community-based participatory research, and has developed an instrument for clients to evaluate community-based outreach services in order to manage cardiovascular diseases. Dr. Felix Aaron is interested in capacity development for community-based providers and local leaders to use research for the improvement of community health, and has worked with numerous low-income communities to develop their capacity to partner with academic institutions. Dr. Felix Aaron is a former Robert Wood Johnson Clinical Scholar and W.K. Kellogg Community Health Scholar at Johns Hopkins University, where she specialized in health services and community-based participatory research. She received a M.D. from the Cornell University Medical College in New York.

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