


Alexis Beard

Universidad Iberoamericana, Mexico City, Mexico

My name is Alexis Beard Grinberg. I was born in Mexico City, to a swiis father and a mother of russian and french origin. I am currently studying communications in the Universidad Iberoamericana, but am also quite interested in international business and economics. Last year, I spent a semester in the Catholic University in Lille, France, where I took management and finance lessons.

I've had the opportunity of traveling throughout the world, mostly due to my mother's work, and I believe that discovering foreign lands is the most gratifying of experiences. Throughout these travels, I've had the opportunity of practicing various languages, and am now fluent in nearly six, including my natal spanish.

As to what concerns the future, I'll admit my prospects are not yet clear. I have yet to discover what it is precisely that I would like to dedicate my life to, but have considered different fields that I find to be captivating and interesting. These include global institutions, travel journalism and international management. I have a passion for writing and it is my dream that I might manage to become successful, but am aware it is a highly competitive field with a small rate of success. Nonetheless, I have completed a novel and am currently in the process of edition, with the idea of attempting to publish it.

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