


Jamie Shea

Deputy Assistant Secretary General for Emerging Security Challenges, NATO, Brussels

Jamie Shea is director of policy planning in the Private Office of the Secretary General with NATO in Brussels where he is responsible for advising and assisting the Secretary General, senior NATO management, and the North Atlantic Council on addressing strategic issues facing NATO. Dr. Shea has held various posts with NATO including deputy assistant secretary general for external relations in the Public Diplomacy Division, director of Information and Press, NATO spokesman, and deputy head and senior planning officer of the Policy Planning Unit and Multilateral Affairs Section of the Political Directorate. In addition to his NATO responsibilities, he holds a number of academic positions, most notably with the College of Europe in Bruges and the Brussels School of International Studies of the University of Kent in Canterbury. Dr. Shea's main fields of expertise include international relations and communications, NATO and European security affairs, and defense studies. He serves on various boards and advisory councils and is member of numerous associations and committees. He received a Ph.D. in modern history from Oxford University, served on the faculty of Salzburg Seminar Session 396, Influence, Values, and Professional Responsibility in the News Media, in 2002, and participated in the Salzburg Seminar's special session on Broadcast Media in the 21st Century, in 2005.

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