


Past Program

Apr 09 - Apr 14, 2002 UP-21SYM

Implementation of the Reform Strategy in Russian Higher Education: Challenges and Opportunities


dimension of regional economic development, equal opportunities and access, the advent of ICT-based learning, student as consumer, and the provision of education to geographically distant and sparsely populated areas.


(2) The second is related to the publication of the “Education Policy at the Contemporary Stage” (by the State Council of the Russian Federation, 2001) which has indicated the goal of modernization of education in the Russian Federation. The implementation of this goal is predicated on several phases between 2001 and 2005, and constitutes a significant challenge for government and institutions.


This symposium is a logical extension of previous discussions, and will build on conclusions reached. The 2002 Symposium also revisit issues of quality in higher education and the management of financial reduction.





In the light of the above background, the Symposium will therefore assist participants to


(1) understand the themes of this particular meeting in the context of previous Universities Project discussions, and the evolving nature of the Russian university system.


(2) review process in the development of policy and the implementation of the major themes of the reform strategy, especially in relation to regional complexes, research institutes and federal scientific centers.


(3) consider the present situation in quality assurance, audit and accreditation in Russian universities, and how issues may be resolved.


(4) examine issues and good practices in the development of open education.


(5) consider the strategies open to Russian universities to cope with financial reduction, and review current experience in this domain.


(6) understand better the above possibilities through a carefully structured analysis of relevant experiences in Russian, Western and Central European, North American and other world settings, with a view to distilling evidence of good practice for use in the Russian context.