Steven Fox - The Walk in Elements




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Nov 14, 2016
by Steven Fox
Steven Fox - The Walk in Elements

Read a poem written by Memphis based writer, poet and actor Steven Fox while he attended the 2016 Young Cultural Innovators Forum.

Steven Fox speaking at the Young Cultural Innovators Forum III

The Walk in Elements
Salzburg, Austria
In Real Time

These walks of life aren't all walks of 'nice'.

Often times, beauty is created from destruction.

It's ironic how the 'cons' catalyze construction.

We are all 'criminals'. 
Creative gangsters of a specific culture.

We know each other. 
Whether by name or origin. 
Nation, city or state. 
Time or place.

Place yourself in the shoes or pants of another.

Walk the elements. 
See for yourself by closing your eyes.

Welcome empathy.
Embrace story, design, fun and meaning symphonically.

Our shoes are not the same size. 
Our skin textures are different. Our pores pouring love and frustration. 
Our tones are instruments in the orchestra.

Tune your ears. 
Hear the (h)ear(t) and it's tell tale signs of passion and distress.

The dreams and fears are real with innovation springing forth from pushing boundaries.

These walks of life happen in fire, earth, wind and water.

These walks are real. 
Along the road, 'good' and 'bad' are relative.