


Luis Camargo

Founder & Director, OpEPA, Colombia

Luis Camargo is founder and director of the Organization for Environmental Education and Protection (OpEPA), a non-profit organization focused on reconnecting youth to nature and people to the earth in order to build more sustainable, regenerative and peaceful communities. OpEPA is invested on the advancement of nature-based and regenerative education, heritage interpretation and weaving. Luis is co-leader and convener of Colombia Regenerativa initiative, working to strengthen bioregional transitions to regenerative cultures. He is also a co-founder of The Weaving Lab, which aims to create thriving learning ecosystems by helping change leaders to become more aligned, collaborative and systemic. He is also the nature learning experiences team leader for Roundglass Learn initiative. In addition, he is a Climate Reality leader for The Climate Reality Project and has been recognized for his work as an Ashoka Fellow and Young Global Leader (World Economic Forum) among others.

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